Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life In A Box

Random thought of the day:
Do you ever think about the saying or song from Cinderella, "A Dream is a wish your heart makes"??? I mean honestly-what does that even mean? Yes, I have thought long and hard about it. Particularly because I'm not a huge fan of making these so called "wishes". It was once said, "Many of us spend half our time wishing for things we could have if we didn't spend half our time wishing".
If truth be told-its kinda just a silly girl thing because Cinderella had a dream about her "one true love". Because it really depends what you dream anyways. If you dream that someone dies, well I hope that is not a desire of your heart(:
Your heart and your mind are two very interesting things. They work together in the most interesting way.
There is a difference in what your heart wants and what your heart feels.
Dreaming is not always the same as wishing.
Your heart and your mind can dream just as much as you can.
Think about it.

Well-go figure, both the computers at Brandon's crashed so I haven't been able to keep an update so here I am!
I officially started at Hollister yesterday. Woot. I get to listen to [almost] great music at work and fold and straighten cute clothes. [Did I mention-all the hott guys shop and sometimes work at Hollister?] Its tiring being on my feet for long periods of time but thats why I'm working out while I'm here too. [I shall return to EAC as a new woman!] Jk....sorry-that is I shall return feeling stronger and a little lost weight(:
Anyway-Hollister. Yeah I think I'll like it alright. I'm still searching and looking, and looking and searching, and a little bit of interviewing, for a 2nd job.
In the meantime, I TRY not to be bored. Jennifer, has all 10 seasons of Friends. So I started watching that show. Its actually one of the most hilarious shows...ever. Then again-so is The Office, which I have yet to watch as well. I have got to hang out with a couple of my friends. And I did go to the temple today to do baptisms. That was SO nice. I loved it. I haven't been to the temple since before I moved to Thatcher. Thatcher is of course in between both AZ temples so I never really had time to drive a few hours. So I definantly plan on going several times this summer to make up for that! I love being there so much. My testimony of temples truly is strengthened when I attend that sacred place.
Anyway, I'm trying to keep my time filled with good things. I did hit Milano's Music today(just down the street from the temple), to get some manuscript paper so that I may finally start writing some more music this summer. I have the time and lots to do. I need to get used to working hard on my music. Since I officially decided to be a music major, music has to become most of what I do, especially during the school year. I have several goals I want to meet and I think I finally have the motivation to reach those goals.
Well, I have gone on too long in this blog and have things to do!
Hope you all are having a wonderful week! Good Riddens!


Kari said...

Hi, Rachelle! Glad you could start at your new job, and get a couple of interviews for a second. I agree that the temple is such a wonderful place!!

We are probably moving in July sometime...when are you visiting your friend in Newport Beach?

Cassidi Marie said...

whoa... no new blog in ten days!! rachelle, are you alive?
so i'm in palmyra... jealous much? heh heh.
i just wanted to check on you, make sure you're okay... i'll call you when i get home, si?

My Music Inspiration

My Music Inspiration

Favorite Quotes

  • wHeRe WoRdS fAiL, mUsIc SpEaKs
  • iF mUsIc Be ThE fOoD oF lOvE, pLaY oN
  • I LoVe ThIs CrAzY tRaGiC, sOmEtImEs AlMoSt MaGiC, aWfUl BeAuTiFuL liFe
  • wHoEvEr sAiD sUnShInE iS hApPiNeSs, HaS nEvEr DaNcEd In ThE rAin