Thursday, April 17, 2008
This is "The Circle of Life" from the Broadway Musical. We are doing it for our Spring Sing concerts next weekend. Thought you might want a taste of it! Of course we won't have all the cool costumes or anything but it will still be amazing! Check it out!

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My Music Inspiration

My Music Inspiration

Favorite Quotes

  • wHeRe WoRdS fAiL, mUsIc SpEaKs
  • iF mUsIc Be ThE fOoD oF lOvE, pLaY oN
  • I LoVe ThIs CrAzY tRaGiC, sOmEtImEs AlMoSt MaGiC, aWfUl BeAuTiFuL liFe
  • wHoEvEr sAiD sUnShInE iS hApPiNeSs, HaS nEvEr DaNcEd In ThE rAin