Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blonde Jokes and the wedding of the year!

*Random Thought of the Day: Today I have a story.
3 Blondes were in an elevator when suddenly the elevator stopped and the lights went out. They tried to use their cell phones to get help but no such luck-even the phones were out.
After a few hours of being stuck, with no help in sight, one of the blondes said to the others, "I think the best way for us to call for help is by yelling together".
The others agreed and all 3 of them inhaled deeply and began to yell loudly "Together! Together! Together!" HAHAHAHAHAH! So, maybe I'm making fun of myself now since I'm part blonde again. Yup-pulled out the ol highlights again! I like it. I like my red hair, but its nice to have a change sometimes so I highlighted it and cut it! My new school look this year(: And probably my true colors are finally showing. They say redheads are worse than blondes sometimes(: At least thats what one of my music instuctors always says! The End.*
Emily and Derek's wedding was this weekend! The picture of them walking towards the temple is something I framed for them and gave as a wedding gift. My dear friend Jason is amazing and did it for me! So cool!
Anyway, the wedding was AWESOME! Well, I didn't actually get to attend the sealing seeing as I'm still young and all(: But I heard was very neat and incredible!
But preperations went semi-smoothly and the reception in Mesa went decently well! Emily didn't get TOO stressed, just got sick of hearing her name as we decorated(: Friday night was dinner and I and the best man, Sterling, said a few words and talked about some memories of Emily and Derek. It was fun and decorating took way too long(: But I got to see my buddy Kaleb who was one of the groomsmen so he teased me all weekend and we argued-just like always haha!

After finally going to bed around midnight-30 on Fri night, (me, ema, and emily-bridesmaid/ema's future sister in law, and the little girls and ema's mom stayed at a family friends house.)Anywho, we got up about 6:30 saturday morning to start getting ready for pictures. Us bridesmaids and groomsmen did pictures before the wedding. After the wedding, we went to the place I was staying, and did lunch. Then we went to Derek's dads and hung out til the reception. Reception was pretty alright. I controlled the music and just kinda hung out!
It was a really long day! After Emily and Derek left, the rest of us cleaned up and then I headed to stay the night at my brother Brandon's. What a weekend! I'm so happy for Emily and Derek!
I did also get to do some shopping on Friday when I got to Mesa. It was cool. I met up with my friend Shauna Perkins and we ate lunch and shopped around. I got some school clothes...and-I picked up my new laptop! YAY! I ordered it a week or so ago and got to pick it up in Mesa. I'm so excited! I have been wanting one FOREVER! I finally found a good deal on one and went for it.
Now, I don't have lots going on. I'm down to two weeks of my return to the point of no return. Haha-thats a good line! Just one more reception to do next weekend and then gettin ready to pretty much head back to school! Life is grand! Like a piano! hahahahaha-man I'm good(:
Have a "grand" week everyone!


Unknown said...

You're so cool Rachelle! :D

Kari said...

Happy Day, all your preparations paid off! Looks like a very nice weekend.

Jason Whetten said...

Wow, you do look like chocolate kisses! Sounds like a stressful weekend, but if you were a wedding planner you wouldnt know the couple and so it wouldn't be to stressful!
Hurry and come home...we miss you.

My Music Inspiration

My Music Inspiration

Favorite Quotes

  • wHeRe WoRdS fAiL, mUsIc SpEaKs
  • iF mUsIc Be ThE fOoD oF lOvE, pLaY oN
  • I LoVe ThIs CrAzY tRaGiC, sOmEtImEs AlMoSt MaGiC, aWfUl BeAuTiFuL liFe
  • wHoEvEr sAiD sUnShInE iS hApPiNeSs, HaS nEvEr DaNcEd In ThE rAin