Ain't that the truth! Time is of the essence? If that means anything. I too often find myself run out of time. But truth be told-maybe its just the fact of making better use of time, or prioritizing the things done with the time available. I find myself writing a schedule everyday and lists of things I need to get done for the day. I reccomend it to any busy person, and especially college students. I mean, there is the fact that my short term memory is, well, short! So I have to write things down and plan things out. I like to have a plan! So, time lets you do how you will...if that makes sense. Think hard about the time we have for anything...whether everyday life, or in general!*
Well-I realize its been 2 weeks since I've blogged...for good reasons! 1-I've been SOOO busy. 2-I figured I'd write about everything all at once...that meaning that there is more that can happen in 2 weeks compared to 1 week...duh.
Let's start with last week shall it was another normal week. Though-the stress I fear, is starting to come. Man is it ever! In just a few short weeks, on the same date of November 12th none the less, I have my 10 page research paper due in English, and my voice recital is that very same day. How lovely is the work ahead of me! I'm going crazy of the fact that I'm a little behind and math wants to kick me in the face right now too...stupid metric i'll ever really use it. Ok-thats not entirely true, but I still don't like it. And Music Theory is kicking my face as well. Ah....thank goodness the little things matter. That meaning-daily prayer and scriptures can be more powerful than you think.
Last weekend was a nice little break. I headed with Emily and Derek to Show Low. It was Show Low's homecoming! So I of course went to the game-yay! Ok-NOT yay-Show Low lost against Snowflake-NO COMMENTS CURTIS! ...I'm Serious! But the game was still kinda fun-I can't believe I still know the fight song! It was fun because I got to hang out with my Kelsey girl and my roommate Heather and my BEAUTIFUL Cassidi!
Oh how I miss her! Distance makes the heart grow stronger(: Remember that dear Cassidi! Anyway-game was fun. I saw some old friends and yeah....Saturday...well it was kinda lame. My mom was on a hike all day and so I just chilled with my brothers-which was actually kinda cool! We didnt' argue. We watched Monty Python-silly movie. Then I kinda just watched movies and did a bit of homework...etc. Then my mom came home and we went to Walmart. Lovely. Sunday, I went to my true home ward-Show Low 1st ward! I miss all those people so much! They are like my other family! It was awesome to see everyone...and see Ema get teased about bringing her boy home(;
Then I got back and got into this crazy crazy week! Like really-INSANE! I'm a bit dissapointed that it went by so fast. Besides the typical school was FALL SING WEEK! That being-my 3 performances of choir! I love this time of the school year! I had a wonderful experience this time round too! The performances this past Thursday, Friday and Saturday went well! I personally thought I did the best of Friday. Plus my mom was there-maybe that was why! Oh and my hair looked great that night hee hee! But we had some really great songs and I just love Dr. Bishop-he is awesome! Truly an inspiration to me! He teaches in such a way that I know blesses our lives as choir students and we are just like a family in the A Capella Choir and he is like our dad! It's awesome and I'm so glad I can be a part of it! It was a strenghthening to me to know that if I can at least continue doing well in something, its singing! Some other things just take more time, but thats ok I suppose.
Another exciting thing that happened yesterday, my sister Stephanie and her family came for a visit! Sadly they couldn't come for the show, other plans, but they stopped by for a bit! Oh how I miss my favorite kids-my niece and nephews! They are getting so big and I love them so much! It was great to see their family!
Life is fantastic! I gotta keep telling myself that! Testimony meeting was today for us [Stake Conference next weekend] and I really felt the spirit there. I bore my testimony and enjoyed others' testimonies as well. I always forget how powerful once a week church can be. It really makes me think and ponder about a lot of things in my life. Things I need to work on and such....and again, makes me remember how wonderful my life is and how greatful I should be for the things I have in my life!
I hope you all are having a great weekend and have a great week! Take care everyone! PS-Pictures from Fall Sing and my niece and nephews will be posted soon!
"I can sum up life in 3 words...It Goes On."
Your concert was truly amazing and we loved it! We also loved taking you to dinner and watching a half hour of Enchanted before the concert. Your roommates are great! Keep hangin' in there in the zillions of things you do! Love you tons!
Rachelle it's a good reminder for me, to keep lists of the highest priority items! Thanks for that. Hang in there, and here's one use of metric system: you're a runner, so when you prepare for a 10K run, you'll know how far that is to run...right???!? :) Have a great week!
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