Ah the life of a college student has thus started again. Many lives as such have started but we're talking about mine today, as usual(: [I really am not that selfish].
Well, I'm almost back in the hang of things for school. It's crazy being back again at EA.
3rd year running! Most would want to be out of here by now but not me. That and I still have to at least get my associates degree. So far, my classes are not too bad. I'm worried about my music classes because its hard work and i'm a bit slow(: But i'm lucky to have such great instructors as always, and great classmates who I'm sure will be willing to help when I get stuck.

It's also been so great to be back in A capella choir! I love it so much! Sadly, I did not make it into Company, the show choir. I was a bit bummed, but I did my best and I'm over it now! I'm still in the best choir ever and I'm going to audition for one more thing next week-Girls Quartet. Once again...one of my friends asked me last night, "What HAVEN'T you tried out for?!" (: Well my friend, and all those reading this, I want to try to have a few new experiences this year, as it will probably be my last at EA. And I can't pass up such awesome experiences with the awesome music program that EA has to offer. So I'll see what happens! If anything, I'm still in a capella and am enjoying the music I am studying.
My computer class will be pretty basic. I'm learning about basic programs on computers. Should learn a bit, but also repeat stuff I already know!
My politics class is definantly going to be interesting. Already is infact! I'm looking forward to learning more about what's going on in this country. Politics really are ridiculous, and my friends ask why I'd want to take a class about it all, but the things that go on in the politics world and the government are on a 'need to know basis'-and I think everyone needs to know, rather than judge or assume what they think they know, which is the case with many people. I'm willing to learn and get some opinions of my own.
I'm really enjoying my institute classes as well so far. I'm taking Book of Mormon-1st half, and Writings of Isaiah. By the way, you should all know that learning about and reading Isaih, depends on your eternal salvation?!!!
haha. Ok, so maybe thats not entirely accurate. My teachers brought that up though(: The teachings of Isaiah are good to know though. It tends to have this reputation of "Oh, Isaiah is too hard to read and understand." Well guess what? Its not. Not if you actually take the time to read and understand this amazing Prophet and what he has to offer. I'm just sayin....!

Anywho, I'm really glad to be back. I've got the same roommates. Well, the twins, Hannah and Heather and then our new girl, their cousin Betsy. But...Hannah and Heather are both engaged! Yep-the twins have been dating these boys that are both from Thatcher most of the summer and are gettin married! Wierd! 2 more friends out the window haha. It's exciting though! I will be getting 2 new roommates in January. No more comments on that! [see comic for the truth in it all(:]

It's been fun to see all my other friends too and meet new ones!
I look forward to this school year and hope and pray that I can just do my best and do what the Lord wants me too!
P.S. Speaking of obedience, I'm getting called to be the ward music coordinator/specialist tomorrow(:
Hope you all have a grand weekend and week!
Until next time...