Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Christmas, Merry New Year!

*Random thought of the Day: My random thoughts today are more of Ponderings found by google. I know-I can't ALWAYS be original(:
*If you can't drink and drive, why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor, and why do bars have parking lots?
*If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out her nose?
Cows are humans too? What?!
*Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM?
Idiots! If you're driving blind, you won't even make it to the bank honestly.
*Why do they report power outages on TV?
*Since Americans throw rice at weddings do orientals throw hamburgers?
Now THAT-would be a site to see!
*Daylight savings time - why are they saving it and where do they keep it?
I'm sorry-but I mostly thought this was funny because it's probably something I would ask(:
*Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he just whipped out a quarter?
Ah...I would ask this too!
*When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?
HAHAHA! Seriously, what color WOULD they turn? The End.*

Well anyway, Christmas 2008 has come and gone! Pretty much, this whole year has come and gone. W-I-E-R-D. I'm surprised at all the things that have and haven't happened lol!
Christmas this year was swell! I got some pretty awesome gifts.
It was nice spending time with the family. We spent Christmas Eve with Duane's family in Taylor. It was fun! We went caroling and had dinner and some talent. I sang-it was alright!

Christmas day, after opening presents, we drove down to Tuscon to do a big lunch with my grandma and great grandma and aunt and uncle! There was wonderful food! Then we just chilled for a while. The next morning, we woke up to snow in Tuscon. Yes, its true. We brought it with us from Show Low...oops! After a trip to Target, we headed back up to Show Low. Fri evening, we had yet another Christmas party with Duane's family! Very nice people! I was feeling kinda tired and sick, but I still had fun.
So overall, a pretty nice Christmas. See following pictures for proof! As you can see, Mitchell was like a child when he saw his Xbox 360 for Christmas! It was like taking a kid to a candy store...high schoolers these days...(:

Christmas Eve of course we had a little nativity scene done by the children. Dallas was a wiseman.

Christmas morning fun!

I got Happy Days, season 1 on DVD! Woot! Its such a great oldies show!Good Times!

And now, 2008 has come to an end. I think it all went well. It started well yet rough with school, and other unexplained travesties(yes Felicia-I used one of your words), but all in all, I can't believe how much I have learned this year! Though much had to be learned through trials, I still go by my motto, "Learn while you live, Love what you learn" (Copyright:Rachelle Brewer, 2008) There is always something you can learn from every experience in life. I'm "learning" that more and more(;

Allow me to take a moment to think back on some things I have learned:
~It is ok to ask for help when you need it.
~Faith and trust go hand in hand.
~As of recent, I've learned more about being selfless and being more caring. Others matter more than yourself 80% or more of the time.
~Things happen for a reason.
~I've learned how much more to appreciate my family and my parents when I'm away from them for long amounts of time!
~I've learned not to make a big deal out of some things. The calmer you are in situations, the better prepared you are for the outcome.
~Police officers no longer take the excuse that your speedometer doesn't work. If you're criminal speeding, you still get a ticket and a court date(:
~Making memories has a good outcome.
~Friends are some of the most important people you can have in your life. Whether someone looks at me wrong, breaks my heart, or even if I'm as happy as can be, I have some of the greatest friends that are there by my side no matter what. They will threaten someone with an airsoft gun if they have to(:, or be happy and giddy with me and talk about life, eat icecream, and have a daquri! It's incredible how much my friends have and will do for me. I hope I'm as good of a friend as they have all been. You know who you are!
.....And I'm sure there are other things not off the top of my head that I have learned and of course have yet to learn!

I suppose it's been an ok year! If anything, it has certainly ended good!
I'll post pictures from New Years and my soon to be experience of seeing the Lion King later! And Soon I'll be back in Thatcher! Rock On! Stay tuned...
Happy 2009 everyone! Hope you all had some great holiday memories made!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

*Random thought of the day: Fact: Bears Eat Beats. Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica. Haha-jk..thats from the office and NOT my random thought! Fact: Hard work pays off. Not to say that I never work hard, I just have worked hard-ER this semester and found the joys of good results. When you work hard for something you really want, with trust in God, and if you're living righteously, there is your life lesson right there! Things come together for your good. This, I have learned. I pulled off all A's and B's (with the exception of a C in Aurel Perception because I have no rhthym). Crazy eh?! Not to be boasting or anything, but I really have learned about hard work! Those of you in school still, all it takes is motivation, courage in yourself and well, hard work to get the important things done!*

Well, I'm finally on Christmas break! And in a way I'm thrilled! Mainly because I don't have homework or practicing to do for a couple weeks, and I love Christmas time!
As you can see, there are a lot of pictures posted from last week! Some being from my totally awesome birthday party! It was great! I have such cool friends!
Here is me
with my adorable cake-woot! Emily is way artistic and talented!
Then of course some of my crazy friends, Felicia and Curtis. Don't be embarrased guys-you're the ones who posed for the camera! We all had fun! We talked, ate cake and watched 27 Dresses!
On Wednesday last week, I had a Waffle Party! (And in the mornin..I'm makin waffles!)It was fantastic! Here is the evidence!
Caitlyn and Will chowin down on top. Jenn really enjoys her waffles! And then we have the 3 coolest redheads EVER! Me, Will and Jenn! Will-dont' be upset about my hair! (I recently added blonde highlights to my hair and Will was "offended" Especially when Jenn was the one who did my hair!) Anyway, the waffle party was great and I had several people show up! A good get-together before the break!

After finals finally got done, Emily and I headed to Mesa for a couple days! It was cool! We wanted to do a little Christmas shopping and see some friends and my family. We saw Twilight for the 2ND time(: I know-we're obsessed a little bit! And we also got to see the Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple which was awesome! On the way to Mesa, Ema and stopped at this gas station and found the most hilarious sign ever! Need we say more?
On Saturday,we headed back to Thatcher. We attempted to stay until Tuesday morning, but due to the snow storm coming towards the mountains, we ended up leaving Monday afternoon. So yes-there is snow in Show Low right now!
We had to drive a little bit in it, but because of two prayers by us and our family,and careful driving, we arrived home safely Monday evening! At least we had fun on the road!
On Tuesday I actually got to go sledding with some EA friends who live up here. It was fun til I got hurt. Felicia-DON"T LAUGH! And Curtis-Don't laugh because Felicia laughed! Anyway-I was on a sled with Emily and Nick and we sorta crashed and I pulled or strained some muscles in my legs pretty well...go figure! Oh well-I got some good footage of my friends sledding! This included sledding on a laundry basket which Trevor thought was a pretty good idea lol!

Anyway....other than sledding-not too much goin on in Show Low. I'm sure I'll blog some more next week after something exciting happens! Hope you all are having a jolly holiday! If not-well do it anyway!
Merry Christmas everyone! Have a good one!

Monday, December 8, 2008

20 Things....the end of the rope!

*Random thought of the day: "There are more men than women in mental institutions-which goes to show who's driving whom nuts." (: Wow. You know it really can be the truth sometimes! Truth be told, girls ARE more complicated than boys. Why? Because girls can't understand why [most] guys are so laid back and don't worry about every little thing so much. The End.*

Well-can you believe it? 19 years of my life is over. That's right-I turned 20 years old today. Crazy stuff! Here is me-now 20(: haha.. I'm still comprehending it! Each year it gets more wierd! But, its been a good birthday so far. I had 2 finals today..yep-lucky me-its finals week too! But, so far so good. I got some awesome cards and money from family and my mom made my entire day by sending me David Archuletta's cd-I love him! That and my pretty much favorite movie-27 Dresses! Thanks again Mom! And 2 of my roommates and several of my good friends and I all went to lunch which was awesome! I seriously have the greatest friends EVER!Tonight will be FHE and I'll probably watch one of my new movies (I also got The Music Man from a friend(:). Anyway, in honor of my birthday, I thought I'd just write 20 things that I can remember from the past 19 years, as well as 20 things I like or am greatful for. Haha-ok maybe not quite 20 things, but several. Call me crazy if you will(:
1. The top thing on my list will always be music. I love every part of music, even the hard music theory stuff(;, and Music will always be a part of me.
2. I remember having a birthday party when I turned 5. All the girls plus 1 boy, Joseph Holyoak, came to my party. Crazy!
3. I love movies. I would watch them all the time if I could. Watching movies helps me get away from real life sometimes!
4. I remember being 10 because I loved 5th grade! Mrs. Munde to this day is still my favorite teacher!
5. I love friends. I will forever be greatful for the friends I have made at EAC, as well as the ones I've stayed in contact with. They have all done something for me in one way or another. I hope I am as good of a friend as they are and have been to me! This pic is from my 3rd birthday party! sorry its a bit blurry!Hannah and Heather are my roommates now(: The other friend is Natalie-who is now married! Crazy huh?!
6. I remember turning 12. Young Women's was awesome!
7. I love love stories! I'm a sucker for chik fliks! Andy Bingham once said this about me, "Rachelle smiles because she likes watching people fall in love(:" Its so true!
8. Turning 14 was the year of stake dances! Woot!
9. I am also a sucker for broadway musicals! I love the classics especially! They make me happy! I hope to go to New York and see a broadway show there someday!
10. I turned 16 and got to go to EFY for the 1st time! I changed a lot after that. I'd had rough sophmore year and then went to EFY and there I built up my testimony and became stronger!
11. I love big hunk candy bars. They are rare and I hope they never stop making them! Oh that gooey goodness!
12. Being 17 was great. It was my junior year and its when I changed the most. And all because of the greatest experience I had in high school..>Beauty and the Beast! Yup. I changed a whole lot during those 5 months of hard work and stress! I had a lead role but I also made some of the best friends and found a bigger love for the stage and broadway than ever before. I learned about hard work and true friendship especially.
13. I love taking pictures! I don't consider myself too photogenic, but I really like making memories. I have an entire picture wall in my room! It's super fun!
14. I turned 18 and pretty much though I ruled the world...especially being a senior(: Right after I turned 18 is also when I met Beau. About some of the best 6 months I have ever had. Alot of good memories. Wierd how things change(:
15. I love strawberry daquiris! They really solve the worlds problems or just make you more happy than you might already be! Me and Emily made some at midnight last night-it was way awesome!
16. I remember finally being at EAC my first semester and turning nineteen! Crazy that that was only a year ago. Time went by so fast!
17. I love the color baby blue! I want it as one of my wedding colors. And it looks good on me(:
18. Finally...I remember this awesome day of turning 20! Thats I finish this blog, my roommates have thrown me a surprise party tonight! Wow....this is fun! They decorated while I was at family home evening and invited a bunch of people over. Ok so, no one showed up til after I was home haha but Emily made this awesome cake! So cute! I was so excited! again, I love my friends and roommates! Hello Felicia!
Anyway-I have had a great day! I suppose I'm cool with turning 20! Now I just gotta finish with finals week...yay! I'm ready for a break!
Hope you all have a great rest of the week!

My Music Inspiration

My Music Inspiration

Favorite Quotes

  • wHeRe WoRdS fAiL, mUsIc SpEaKs
  • iF mUsIc Be ThE fOoD oF lOvE, pLaY oN
  • I LoVe ThIs CrAzY tRaGiC, sOmEtImEs AlMoSt MaGiC, aWfUl BeAuTiFuL liFe
  • wHoEvEr sAiD sUnShInE iS hApPiNeSs, HaS nEvEr DaNcEd In ThE rAin