Monday, December 8, 2008

20 Things....the end of the rope!

*Random thought of the day: "There are more men than women in mental institutions-which goes to show who's driving whom nuts." (: Wow. You know it really can be the truth sometimes! Truth be told, girls ARE more complicated than boys. Why? Because girls can't understand why [most] guys are so laid back and don't worry about every little thing so much. The End.*

Well-can you believe it? 19 years of my life is over. That's right-I turned 20 years old today. Crazy stuff! Here is me-now 20(: haha.. I'm still comprehending it! Each year it gets more wierd! But, its been a good birthday so far. I had 2 finals today..yep-lucky me-its finals week too! But, so far so good. I got some awesome cards and money from family and my mom made my entire day by sending me David Archuletta's cd-I love him! That and my pretty much favorite movie-27 Dresses! Thanks again Mom! And 2 of my roommates and several of my good friends and I all went to lunch which was awesome! I seriously have the greatest friends EVER!Tonight will be FHE and I'll probably watch one of my new movies (I also got The Music Man from a friend(:). Anyway, in honor of my birthday, I thought I'd just write 20 things that I can remember from the past 19 years, as well as 20 things I like or am greatful for. Haha-ok maybe not quite 20 things, but several. Call me crazy if you will(:
1. The top thing on my list will always be music. I love every part of music, even the hard music theory stuff(;, and Music will always be a part of me.
2. I remember having a birthday party when I turned 5. All the girls plus 1 boy, Joseph Holyoak, came to my party. Crazy!
3. I love movies. I would watch them all the time if I could. Watching movies helps me get away from real life sometimes!
4. I remember being 10 because I loved 5th grade! Mrs. Munde to this day is still my favorite teacher!
5. I love friends. I will forever be greatful for the friends I have made at EAC, as well as the ones I've stayed in contact with. They have all done something for me in one way or another. I hope I am as good of a friend as they are and have been to me! This pic is from my 3rd birthday party! sorry its a bit blurry!Hannah and Heather are my roommates now(: The other friend is Natalie-who is now married! Crazy huh?!
6. I remember turning 12. Young Women's was awesome!
7. I love love stories! I'm a sucker for chik fliks! Andy Bingham once said this about me, "Rachelle smiles because she likes watching people fall in love(:" Its so true!
8. Turning 14 was the year of stake dances! Woot!
9. I am also a sucker for broadway musicals! I love the classics especially! They make me happy! I hope to go to New York and see a broadway show there someday!
10. I turned 16 and got to go to EFY for the 1st time! I changed a lot after that. I'd had rough sophmore year and then went to EFY and there I built up my testimony and became stronger!
11. I love big hunk candy bars. They are rare and I hope they never stop making them! Oh that gooey goodness!
12. Being 17 was great. It was my junior year and its when I changed the most. And all because of the greatest experience I had in high school..>Beauty and the Beast! Yup. I changed a whole lot during those 5 months of hard work and stress! I had a lead role but I also made some of the best friends and found a bigger love for the stage and broadway than ever before. I learned about hard work and true friendship especially.
13. I love taking pictures! I don't consider myself too photogenic, but I really like making memories. I have an entire picture wall in my room! It's super fun!
14. I turned 18 and pretty much though I ruled the world...especially being a senior(: Right after I turned 18 is also when I met Beau. About some of the best 6 months I have ever had. Alot of good memories. Wierd how things change(:
15. I love strawberry daquiris! They really solve the worlds problems or just make you more happy than you might already be! Me and Emily made some at midnight last night-it was way awesome!
16. I remember finally being at EAC my first semester and turning nineteen! Crazy that that was only a year ago. Time went by so fast!
17. I love the color baby blue! I want it as one of my wedding colors. And it looks good on me(:
18. Finally...I remember this awesome day of turning 20! Thats I finish this blog, my roommates have thrown me a surprise party tonight! Wow....this is fun! They decorated while I was at family home evening and invited a bunch of people over. Ok so, no one showed up til after I was home haha but Emily made this awesome cake! So cute! I was so excited! again, I love my friends and roommates! Hello Felicia!
Anyway-I have had a great day! I suppose I'm cool with turning 20! Now I just gotta finish with finals week...yay! I'm ready for a break!
Hope you all have a great rest of the week!


Kari said...

Happy Day to you, Rachelle--and good luck on the rest of finals!

Curtis Gardner said...

Hey, I didn't know you liked David Archuletta! You know, your picture and his picture looked good together on the same page! Oh, and I think the names Rachelle and Archuletta go well together too.


Kim said...

The more I know you, the more I love you! (and I've known you now for 20 wonderful years!) Congrats on the end of another semester!

Becky Montoya Wright said...

I was so happy to see your comment on the family blog--had to check out yours and I love it. You are so beautiful and a great writer. Happy 20th. I'm sure you'll make the most of it.

My Music Inspiration

My Music Inspiration

Favorite Quotes

  • wHeRe WoRdS fAiL, mUsIc SpEaKs
  • iF mUsIc Be ThE fOoD oF lOvE, pLaY oN
  • I LoVe ThIs CrAzY tRaGiC, sOmEtImEs AlMoSt MaGiC, aWfUl BeAuTiFuL liFe
  • wHoEvEr sAiD sUnShInE iS hApPiNeSs, HaS nEvEr DaNcEd In ThE rAin